CCMR Indicators

The Texas Education Agency (TEA) has set standards for high school students to show they're ready for college, careers, or the military. These standards, called CCMR (College, Career, and Military Readiness) indicators, play a big role Texas high school's A-F Accountability ratings. While meeting CCMR indicators isn't required for graduation on its own, they are closely linked to graduation requirements and vary depending on a student's future plans. To help understand and plan for CCMR, students and parents can use the provided list of indicators.  School counselors are available each year to help students choose the right courses to meet both graduation and future goals. They, along with the CCMR team, are valuable resources for planning and achieving postsecondary success. 

CFBISD strives for each graduate to meet at least one CCMR indicator. The CCMR indicators in the current accountability framework include: 

  • Meets TSI criteria in Reading and Math 
  • Earns dual course credits
  • Meets criteria on AP exams
  • Earns an associate degree
  • Qualifies for OnRamps Course Credits
  • Earns an industry-based certification (IBC) and completes a program of study.

  • Graduates with completed IEP and workforce readiness

  • Graduates with an advanced diploma plan and received special education services

  • Enlists in the United States Armed Forces

  • Enlists in the Texas National Guard

Texas Success Initiative (TSI) - Uses Met Scores from SAT, ACT, TSIA2, and/or TCB




  480 EBRW

  530 Mathematics


  40 English & Reading

  22 Mathematics


  945 ELAR CRC or 5+ Diagnostic and 5+ Essay

  950 Mathematics CRC or 6 Diagnostic


  Complete course and earn credit 

  Complete course and earn credit