1:1 Program Playbook
Every student is offered a device to use in their learning.
CFBISD is continuing to build, implement and sustain goals with digital learning through the implementation of various technologies. This year, CFBISD embarked on a collaborative review of our learning technology goals with key stakeholders. This process involved revisiting past implementation, evaluating current strategies and establishing a roadmap for future technology integration in CFBISD. As we look toward the future, we are continuing to focus on our overarching structures that support our educators with their lesson design and our learners in their day-to-day learning experiences.
Elementary Students
PK-1st grade students receive iPads
2nd-5th grade students receive Chromebooks
PK-2 students devices will be stored in their homeroom teacher's classroom
3rd-5th grade students will take their device home every day
Elementary students will not take devices home over the summer
Teachers have access to Apple Classroom (PK-1) and Securly (2-5) to support device management in student learning
Secondary Students
6th-12th grade students receive Chromebooks
All secondary students will take their device home every day
6th-11th grade students (with the exception of 8th grade) may take devices home over the summer if they have no outstanding device charges
8th and 12th grade students return devices at the end of the school year (8th grade students will be issued a new device by their high school campus)
Teachers have access to Securly to support device management in student learning