Title 1 Parent and Family Engagement Guiding Documents

ESSA 1116 (b) (1)
Each LEA and school that receives Title I, Part A funds shall develop jointly with, agree on with, and distribute to parents a written parent and family engagement policy. The LEA policy shall be incorporated into the District Improvement Plan and establish the district’s expectations for parent and family engagement. The school policy shall describe the means for carrying out the parent involvement requirements. Parents shall be notified of the policies in an understandable and uniform format and, to the extent practicable, provided in a language the parents can understand.

State Definition: Parent and Family Engagement
Families, community members, and educators work together in an equal and respectful partnership to create and provide effective, systemwide support for student learning and development from early childhood into college, a career, or the military.

This home-school collaboration is evidenced when...
● Parents play an integral role in assisting their child’s learning;
● Parents are encouraged to be actively involved in their child’s education at school;
● Parents are full partners in their child’s education and are included, as appropriate, in decision-making and may serve on committees to assist in the education of their child.

The written Parent and Family Engagement Policy is another critical requirement for Title I, Part A program. LEAs and Title I, Part A schools are both required to have written parent and family engagement policies in place.

Who Needs a Written Parent and Family Engagement Policy?
Every LEA receiving Title I, Part A funds and every school receiving Title I, Part A funds, schoolwide and targeted assistance, are required to develop a written Parent and Family Engagement Policy. The policy shall be developed with, distributed to, revised, and reviewed with parents.

School Parent and Family Engagement Policy:
Each school served under this part shall jointly develop with, and distribute to, parents and family members of participating children a written parent and family engagement policy, agreed on by such parents, that shall describe the means fo carrying out the requirements of subsections (c) through (f). Parents shall be notified of the policy in an understandable and uniform format and, to the extent practicable, provided in a language the parents can understand. Such policy shall be made available to the local community and updated periodically to meet the changing needs of parents and the school. ESSA 1116 (b)(1).

Public Law Section 1116 (d) says schools must have a Parent School Compact.
The Compact is a written agreement of shared responsibility. The compact serves as a clear reminder of all stakeholders’ responsibility to take action at school and at home so that children can attain the state’s academic achievement standards. The compact can serve as a valuable tool to effectively and meaningfully engage the school and the home in supporting the academic development and needs of the students.

23-24 Title 1 Campus Documents  
Blair Elementary 

Parent and Family Engagement Policy English & Spanish 
Compact English & Spanish 

Blanton Elementary  Parent and Family Engagement Policy English & Spanish 
Compact English & Spanish 

Carrollton Elementary 

Parent and Family Engagement Policy English & Spanish 
Compact English & Spanish 
Central Elementary  Parent and Family Engagement Policy English & Spanish 
Compact English & Spanish 
Country Place Elementary  Parent and Family Engagement Policy English & Spanish 
Compact English & Spanish 
Davis Elementary  Parent and Family Engagement Policy English & Spanish 
Compact English & Spanish 
Farmers Branch Elementary  Parent and Family Engagement Policy English & Spanish 
Compact English & Spanish 
Furneaux Elementary  Parent and Family Engagement Policy English & Spanish 
Compact English & Spanish 
Good Elementary  Parent and Family Engagement Policy English & Spanish 
Compact English & Spanish 
Kent Elementary  Parent and Family Engagement Policy English & Spanish 
Compact English & Spanish 
Landry Elementary  Parent and Family Engagement Policy English & Spanish 
Compact English & Spanish 
McKamy Elementary  Parent and Family Engagement Policy English & Spanish 
Compact English & Spanish 
McWhorter Elementary  Parent and Family Engagement Policy English & Spanish 
Compact English & Spanish
Rainwater Elementary  Parent and Family Engagement Policy English & Spanish 
Compact English & Spanish 
Riverchase Elementary  Parent and Family Engagement Policy English & Spanish 
Compact English & Spanish 
Rosemeade Elementary  Parent and Family Engagement Policy English & Spanish 
Compact English & Spanish 
Sheffield Elementary  Parent and Family Engagement Policy English & Spanish 
Compact English & Spanish 
Stark Elementary  Parent and Family Engagement Policy English & Spanish 
Compact English & Spanish 
McLaughlin Strickland Elementary  Parent and Family Engagement Policy English & Spanish 
Compact English & Spanish 
Thompson Elementary  Parent and Family Engagement Policy English & Spanish 
Compact English & Spanish 
Blalack Middle School Parent and Family Engagement Policy English & Spanish 
Compact English & Spanish 
Bush Middle School  Parent and Family Engagement Policy English & Spanish 
Compact English & Spanish 
Field Middle School Parent and Family Engagement Policy English & Spanish 
Compact English & Spanish 
Long Middle School  Parent and Family Engagement Policy English & Spanish 
Compact English & Spanish 
Perry Middle School  Parent and Family Engagement Policy English & Spanish 
Compact English & Spanish 
Polk Middle School  Parent and Family Engagement Policy English & Spanish 
Compact English & Spanish 
Creekview High School  Parent and Family Engagement Policy English & Spanish 
Compact English & Spanish 
Smith High School  Parent and Family Engagement Policy English & Spanish 
Compact English & Spanish 
Turner High School  Parent and Family Engagement Policy English & Spanish 
Compact English & Spanish 
Ranchview High School  Parent and Family Engagement Policy English & Spanish 
Compact English & Spanish