McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act

The CFBISD McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act is committed to ensuring that all CFBISD children and youth in homeless situations have the opportunity to attend, enroll in, and succeed in school.

Local District Homeless Education Liaison Duties

The local liaisons for homeless education, who are staff members of the Local Educational Agency (LEA), have the duty of guaranteeing that students facing homelessness are identified, enrolled in school, attend regularly, and are provided with opportunities to excel academically. While some of these tasks may be undertaken directly by the local liaison, others involve coordinating the efforts of fellow staff members.

Carolina Christiansen

Summer Meal Programs

The Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD Student Nutrition Department announces the sponsorship of the Summer Meal Program. An area qualifies by having at least 50 percent of enrolled students qualify to receive free/reduced price meal benefits under the National School Breakfast or Lunch Program.

Meals will be served, free of charge, to any child 18 years of age and under – regardless of family/household income – at the sites, dates, and times below. Families do not need to apply for meals at these summer food sites. For other meal sites near you, call 211 or visit

You can also text FOODTX to 877-877.