Human Resources

The mission of the CFBISD Human Resources Team is to recruit and retain the best employees in public education to join the CFBISD Family.  We believe in providing fast, friendly, and responsive customer service and support to applicants, current employees and former employees; thus ensuring that our focus remains on student success and achievement.

Tamy Smalska  Headshot

Dr. Tamy Smalskas
Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources
Office: 972-968-6237

Gerry Martinez

Jerry Martinez
Director of Human Resources - Auxiliary
Office: 972-968-6174

Kyalla Bowens Headshot

Kyalla Bowens
Director of Human Resources - Secondary
Office: 972-968-6125

Sherie Skruch

Sherie Skruch
Director of Human Resources - TIA and Student Teachers
Office: 972-968-6593

Agueda Paredes

Dr. Agueda Paredes
Director of Human Resources - Elementary
Office: 972-968-6158

Adam Grinage Headshot

Dr. Adam Grinage
Director of Employee Relations
Office: 972-968-6124




Call For

Susan Stevens

Secretary - Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources

(972) 968-6162

Support for Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources

Jocelyn Bonillia  Secretary - HR Directory Secondary (972) 968 - 6125 Secondary Campus, ESDC & HUIE Support

Andrea Hernandez

Secretary – HR Director Elementary

(972) 968-6176

Elementary Campus & Tech Department Support

Jacky Trevino

Secretary – HR Director Auxiliary

(972) 968-6249

Auxiliary Department Support

Bridget Brown


Sub Coordinator

(972) 968-6155

Substitute Hiring
Substitute Records

Courtney Georgieff  Certification Specialist (972) 968-6160 Certification Questions or Issues
Maria Gauna

Records Specialist – Secondary, ESDC, & HUIE

(972) 968-6189

Service Records
Employee Records
Loan Forgiveness Forms

Nora Palacios

Records Specialist – Elementary & Administrators

(972) 968-6175

Service Records
Employee Records

Betty Dominguez

Records Specialist – Hourly & Auxiliary

(972) 968-6174

Service Records
Employee Records

Administration Building
1445 North Perry Road
Carrollton, Texas 75006

School Year Hours:
8 a.m. - 4:45 p.m.

Building Hours:
8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

8 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Summer Hours:
8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.