Special Needs
Elementary Special Needs
The After the Bell Special Needs Program is available to students who are currently in support center classes, communication classes and PASS classes (5 years old – 5th grade).
The focus of these programs is to give students a safe, well-supervised environment. It is designed to give functional life skills in the areas of self-help, social, and recreation/leisure skills.
The students will also be encouraged to participate in creating arts/crafts activities, listen to music, work on social skills, and work on their computer skills.
If you would like your child to attend the Special Needs Program, please register on-line. Please inform your Special Education teacher that you would like her to contact the diagnostician to arrange for transportation to be notified. Transportation will call you before the bus begins to take your child to the campus of the ATB Special Needs Program.
For more information please contact the following site director:
Dana Ozyp
Secondary Special Needs
The After the Bell Academy at R. L. Turner High School is available to students who are currently in the Applied Academic classes (High/Middle School level), the MAC classes (Middle School Level), as well as the Developmental Center. The students should be between the ages of 11 and 21 years old.
The focus of the program is to give students a safe, well-supervised environment. It is designed to give functional life skills in the areas of self-help, social, and recreation/leisure skills.
The students will also be encouraged to participate in creating arts/crafts activities, listen to music, work on social skills, and work on their computer skills.