Payment Information

For your convenience, we are now accepting credit and debit card payments for the weekly After the Bell tuition. Payments on a VISA or MASTERCARD will be accepted online through the Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD Web Store. Personal Checks are no longer being accepted.

It’s easy!

  • Go to
  • Choose “After the Bell” under the left-hand column browse category.
  • Pick the tuition plan that applies to you. Enter the student(s) name and YOUR daytime contact number, as well as an email address. If you have additional children attending, follow the directions onscreen.
  • Click on the “Buy Now” button to start the transaction.
  • At the next screen, verify the information you have entered and the dollar amount. If all the information is correct, click on “Go to Checkout.”
  • Under “New Customer”, click Go to Checkout and then enter your name and address for the billing information. Next time, if you use the same email and password the web store will remember your information.
  • Enter your credit or debit card information and then a password that you choose. We do NOT store card information so you will always be required to enter it.
  • Click on “Verify My Info”, review your shopping cart contents, if all is okay click on “Complete Order.”
  • View or print receipt, log out and you are done. The Webstore will e-mail you a confirmation receipt immediately after processing your transaction.
  • Web Store payments are considered paid when you’ve completed the transaction – even at midnight!