After the Bell Parent Handbook
Days and Hours of Operation
The hours of operation during the school year are from school dismissal time to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. The Summer Program hours of operation are from 7:00 am until 6:00 pm. Monday through Friday.
After the Bell Program Policies
- I am aware my child will be expected to follow the policies, procedures, and consequences, as set for in the CFB-ISD Code. A copy of the CFB-ISD Code of Conduct is available online at
I am aware that I may review and/or discuss with the After the Bell Director any questions or concerns about the policies and procedures of the After the Bell Program.
I am aware that I may visit the After the Bell program from the time school is dismissed until 6:00 p.m. to observe my child, the After the Bell’s operation and program activities, without having to secure prior approval. I understand that I may not be allowed to observe my child or other children under these conditions without being chaperoned by a staff member from After the Bell.
I am aware that parents are not allowed to participate in After the Bell activities without a valid background check from the school district and approval from the After the Bell director.
I am aware that I can review a copy of the Minimum Standards and the After the Bell’s most recent Licensing Inspection report at anytime.
I agree to notify the school of any changes to the registration information and/or emergency information including medical information related to my child’s hearing and vision testing and Tuberculin tests that are required for enrollment in CFB-ISD schools.
If I choose less than a five day attendance, I will specify the days my child will attend and pay for full week.
All children are to be picked up no later than 6:00 PM. There will be a $2.00 per minute per family late fee assessed for each minute after 6:00 PM. Persistent tardiness (more than 3) will lead to my child’s dismissal from the program.
I hereby grant permission for my child’s physician to report his/her findings to authorized personnel of the Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD.
I am responsible for maintaining a current school immunization record for my child.
I understand that inappropriate behavior towards After the Bell Staff, children or other parents could cause dismissal of my child from After the Bell.
- I am aware that After the Bell does not participate in field trips, water activities, or allow animals to be present in their program. This does not apply to Summer After the Bell.
I am aware that After the Bell does not provide transportation to and from the program during the school year. During the Summer Program transportation is provided to and from field trips.
I am aware that the playground area is reserved for After the Bell between dismissal and 6:00 pm. It is not under supervision of Department of Health and Human Services but meets all District Board Policies for Health and Safety. Students will be supervised by After the Bell staff at all times.
In compliance with Board Policies FB (LEGAL) and FB (LOCAL), no qualified student shall, on the basis of disability, race, religion, color, sex, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subject to discrimination under After the Bell.
All students must be capable of handling a 1:22 (adult: child) ratio in all activities. We do have not have children needing supportive inclusive services at this site.
Students must maintain appropriate behaviors in order to continue in After the Bell. If students have persistent behavior problems that interfere with the general welfare of others, they may be temporarily or permanently removed from the program. Persistent inappropriate behaviors may include, but are not limited to, temper tantrums, rudeness, disrespect, noncompliance, and physical aggression with students or adults. Parents will be notified at pick-up times if behavioral problems have occurred.
Students may be terminated from After the Bell for nonpayment of fees, continual late payment of fees. Behavioral issues and/or concerns may also be a reason for dismissal from After the Bell.
Procedures for Release of Students
Students will only be released to those that are listed as a pick-up person on the student’s registration form. All information on the registration card must be fully completed.
ALL persons who are picking up students must show valid picture I.D. at the sign-out desk to authorized personnel.
Persons who are picking up students must sign the students out in the afternoon with their full name and the time the student is picked up.
If the student is hesitant to leave with the person designated to pick-up, the parent will be called for verification.
Parents will sign a permission note before students will be allowed to leave the ATB Program to attend other after school activities on campus.
Tuition Policy
- Tuition is due Wednesday of week prior to attending. There will not be credit extended. In order for your child to attend you must be current with your tuition and late fees. You may pay tuition by internet payment using a credit or debit card at the Revtrak link:
During the ATB Program, PREPAY for the week – no refunds.
Students will not be allowed to return to After the Bell until all late tuition payments have been paid including late fees.
If tuition payments are late more than 3 times, payment will be required to be made a week in advance for the student to continue attending After the Bell for the next week.
Parents are responsible for seeking and communicating to ATB Site Directors documentation for reduced tuition. Reduced tuition will begin on the date documentation is received by the Site Director.
Sick Child Policy
Please keep students home from After the Bell care if:
- Temperature of 100.4 or greater. Students will need to be free of a fever for at least 24 hours before returning to After the Bell care.
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Undiagnosed Rash
- Red, “goopy” eyes – not watery, but thick yellow drainage
- Any contagious illness diagnosed by a physician. A return to school letter will be required.
Parents will be called to pick up child if:
- Temperature of 100.4 or greater
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Undiagnosed Rash
- Persistent complaint of pain after ATB nurse has been consulted
Procedures for Distributing Medicine
After the Bell will not administer daily medications to students. Medications will only be administered in emergency situations when the student’s medications are currently on hand with the director or director designee. Distribution of medications must adhere to the following procedures:
The Following Procedures apply:
- Parents must sign and authorize and include times for the director to administer each medication according to the label’s directions;
- The medication must be in the original container labeled with the child’s full name and the date brought to the child-care center;
- The site director will administer the medication in the amounts according to the label directions or as amended by a physician;
- The site director administers medication only to the child for whom it is intended; and
- Site director must not administer the medication after its expiration date.
The Following is recorded:
Full name of child to whom the medication is given;
Name of the medication;
Date, time, and amount of the medication given; and
Full name of the employee administering the medication.
Medication records are kept for three months after administering the medication.
Medications are stored as follows:
- Keep it out of reach of children or in locked storage;
- Store it in a manner that does not contaminate food; and
- Refrigerate it, if refrigeration is required, and keep it separate from food.
Medication disposal:
Medication will be returned to the parent when the child withdraws from the child-care center, or when the medication is out of date or is no longer required for the child.
Epinephrine Auto-injector
We do not have any unassigned epinephrine auto-injectors at this site.
Procedures For Medical Emergencies
Director or Designee will assess the severity of the injury or illness and begin first aid.
After assessment either:
- The nurse on call will be contacted or
- 911 will be called by director or designee
- Parents are notified of injury and directed as to the status of the situation. If the child is being transported:
- The director, designee or nurse on call will accompany the child to the hospital.
- Parents will speak with person who will transport the child and approve this decision and be given the address of the hospital.
- If the child is not being transported, but needs to be seen by a medical professional, the nurse on call will talk directly with the parents and direct them to pick up the child immediately. It is the parent’s responsibility to seek medical care if it is not deemed necessary to transport the child to a medical facility immediately.
- If the child is being transported or was seen by a medical professional, the director, designee, or nurse on call will complete an accident form and fax it to the local licensing office within 24 hrs of the time of accident.
- The director, designee, or nurse on call will contact the parent within 24 hrs to assess the condition of the child if he/she was transported.
Emergency Preparedness Program
- A Crisis Emergency Plan will be prepared for each After the Bell location
- The site director will train the staff on the contents of the Plan.
- There will be a record of practice drills done on the campus with the children and staff.
- The Emergency Preparedness Plan (Campus Crisis Plan) will be referenced in the Parent Handbook and Operational Policies. Copies of the Emergency Preparedness Plan and Parent Handbook will be available at the ATB Sign-out Desk or posted on the ATB Bulletin Board. Parents may see these copies or may be given copies to take home with them upon request.
- The Parent Handbook will be posted on the After the Bell website.
Procedures of Parent Notifications
- Parent will be notified in writing for:
- Any major program changes such as hours or days of operation, location, or changes in director.
- Parents will also be notified in writing for changes in tuition, student dismissal issues or injuries.
- Parents will be notified by phone or email for:
- Discipline issues
- Illness, injuries, and emergencies
- To address parent’s questions and/or concerns
- Any and all the above information will be discussed by a conference in person with a parent if so requested by the director or the parent.
After the Bell Code of Conduct
The ATB Building Director has the final decision in all building-level consequences. The program has disciplinary authority over a student while in attendance of all program activities on or off campus. The safety and well-being of students and staff is priority and offenses are taken seriously.
Disciplinary Interventions
The following disciplinary interventions may be used alone or in combination with CFBISD Code of Student Conduct:
- Verbal correction
- Cooling off time or “timeout” ( one minute per years of age)
- Counseling by teachers, counselors, or administrative personnel
- Parent/Teacher conferences
- Rewards or demerits
- Behavioral contracts
- Withdrawal of privileges and/or field trips
- Suspension from the program
- Removal from the program
Level I Misconduct
In addition to the policies outlined in this guide, students at school or school-sponsored activities are prohibited from:
- Throwing objects
- Insubordination, which is failing to comply with lawful directives issued by school personnel, including the refusal to accept discipline management techniques assigned by a teacher or administrator, school policies, rules, and regulations
- Scuffling/Bullying including intimidation
- Name-calling, derogatory statements, religious, ethnic or racial slurs; hate language; obscene or inappropriate gestures, writings, or drawings
- Profanity/Vulgar language
- Violating any safety rules
Consequences for Level I Misconduct
- Verbal Warning
- Timeout
- Parent Conference and Behavior Plan
- In program suspension
- Suspension (1 day)
- One week suspension
Level II Misconduct
Offenses to Property:
Students shall not litter, deface, damage, or otherwise vandalize any property, including furniture and other equipment with graffiti or other means, belonging to or used by the District or owned by others while at school or at a school-sponsored activity. According to law, parents/guardians of students who damage school property are liable for these damages.
Students are prohibited from:
- Making false threats, hoaxes, or accusations regarding school safety
- Engaging in verbal or written exchanges that threaten the safety of self, another student, a school employee, or school property
- Name-calling, ethnic or racial slurs, derogatory statements (written or verbal) or gestures that school officials have reason to believe will substantially disrupt the school program or incite violence
The District prohibits all forms of harassment because of race, color, sex, national origin disability or sexual orientation or any other reason. In this context, “harassment” includes threatening to cause harm or bodily injury to another student, engaging in sexually intimidating conduct and/or causing physical damage to the property of another student, subjecting another student to physical confinement or restraint, or maliciously taking any action that substantially harms another student’s physical or emotional health or safety. Any form of harassment will be punishable by immediate removal.
Physical Harm:
Incidences of fighting, biting, scratching, or any other behavior that results in physical harm to another individual.
Consequences for Level II Misconduct
- Timeout
- Parent Conference and Behavior Plan
- Removal from the program (length deemed appropriate for offense)
Level III Misconduct
- Making bomb threats
- Pulling fire alarms in the absence of a fire
- Discharging a fire extinguisher
- Possession of a weapon or dangerous object
- Physical Harm
Incidences of fighting, biting, scratching, or any other behavior that results in physical harm to another individual. - Theft
Consequence for Level III Misconduct:
Any Level I or Level II consequence plus the option to remove from program
Optional Removal from After the Bell
- Any offense or policy violation listed
- Any persistent and/or serious misbehavior
Food & Nutrition
The School Year Program provides one nutritious snack per day for each student who attends ATB. If your child has allergies, you must sign a statement explaining you will provide snacks for your child while attending the program.
Students attending the Summer Program will be provided two nutritious snacks per day; one in the morning and one in the afternoon. ATB does not provide lunch. Parents will sign a statement explaining that ATB is not responsible for a nutritious supplementation at lunch.
Students will be allowed use of computers as long as they remain on the approved ATB sites. Proper handling of computers is mandatory. Misuse of keyboard, mouse, or monitor will require removal from the computer lab for the day. More than one incident of misuse of computer monitor, mouse, or keyboard, or wandering to sites that are not approved by the ATB Program, may result in removal from the computer lab for the rest of the program.
Students may not spend more than one hour each day of the Summer Program using media including; television, computers, video games. If children are using media to do homework or practice reading, writing, or math skills – that time does not count as part of the hour of time allowed. If a student brings his/her media to the program, it may only be used at designated times. The program is not responsible for loss or damage to media items.
Naptime for Summer Program
Students are required to have a quiet rest time of at least one hour at some point during the day. They are not required to sleep but must be quiet enough to allow for younger children to sleep if they choose. Students may read or work quietly.
Contact Numbers
Important Information
The Parent Handbooks and Operational Policies, and most recent Inspection Report are available for you. Ask the Site Director if you would like a copy.
The web addresses for the Child Care Regulation Account Portal, Search Texas Child Care, and the Technical Assistance Library:
- Child Care Regulation Account Portal
- Search Texas Child Care (Minimum Standards)
- Technical Assistance Library
AKE: 1-800-582-6036 or 1-800-582-8286 | 24hr Abuse/Neglect Hotline: 1-800-252-5400
Make an Online Report