GT Referral Form

Referral & Identification Process

Student referral opportunities will be available during designated referral windows each school year. Please see the Gifted & Talented Assessment Calendar for more information regarding current dates. Staff members and parents can refer students for GT testing. 

Identification Process

The CFBISD Gifted & Talented assessment process includes both qualitative and quantitative data collected through three (3) or more measures and used to determine a need for gifted and talented services. Qualitative data includes parent and teacher surveys. Quantitative date includes both ability and achievement scores. Students are assessed in languages they understand to the extent possible, or with non-verbal assessments. 

A committee of at least three district personnel who have been trained in the nature and needs and indentification of gifted students will determine the placement services of each child. This committee could include the counselor, administrator, GT teacher, GT Specialist, or other trained district personnel.

Elementary Referral Form

Secondary Referral Form