GT Resources for Teachers
Texas State Plan
The TEA assists districts in providing comprehensive services to G/T learners in the following ways:
- Provides information on best practices, developments, and achievements in the field of G/T education to all interested parties
- Develops materials designed to assist districts in the development and implementation of model assessment procedures and services
- Monitors and implements any state and/or federal legislation designed to provide educational opportunities for G/T students
Through the combined efforts of the TEA, the Education Service Centers, local district personnel, colleges and universities, and the communities they serve, all children will experience an academically challenging education that enables them to maximize their potential.
GT State Training Requirements
This document will help you determine if you need to complete your initial 30 hour GT Core/Foundation Training or 6 hour GT Update Training. Texas law requires educators providing services to gifted/talented students have 30 Hour GT Core Training as stated in TAC §89.2.
6 Hour GT Update Option 2024-2025
If you have completed your 30 Hour GT Core Training, the Texas State Plan requires you stay current by completing an annual update provided by the Advanced Academics department.
GT Specialist Campus Roster 2024-2025
Find the Advanced Academic Specialist for each campus.
Campus GT Liaison Roster 2024-2025
Advanced Academics Specialist Campus Roster
Find the Advanced Academics Specialist for each campus.
GT Liaison Job Description
A GT Liaison is an extension of the Advanced Academic Services staff who is tasked with keeping campuses up to date with Gifted and Talented Policies and Procedures.