Plan for your Dual Credit Success

After you are enrolled, follow these suggestions to have a successful Dual Credit course. Ask your Dallas College Success Coach, your counselor, or the Dual Credit Coordinator if you have questions.

What needs to happen before my dual credit course starts? (Check with your college campus!)

When does my CFB high school start?
Report to your high school on the first day.

  • Be where you are expected to be
  • Do not wander off/attendance counts!
  • This time is valuable

Your first few days will be spend handling high school classes and administration details.

What day does the college course start?

If you have trouble logging in or any technical issues.

  • Contact the Dallas College Help Desk 24/7 at 866-374-7169

While you wait for the course, what must you do to start your college course?

  • Register online
  • Sign in to the Brightspace
  • Finalize submitting any forms
  • Who is your facilitator or instructor?
  • Access the course
  • Report ANY problems to the Help Desk

Once you are signed in:

  • Add EVERY assignment in the syllabus to your calendar
  • Add your college email to your phone
  • Add your college email to your calendar
  • Commit to answering EVERY email
  • Check your grades every 2-3 days

Are ANY assignments due before the course starts on the first day of college class?

  • Checked in Brightspace
  • Finished
  • Do you need a print out?

What is your plan if your internet or electricity goes out?

  • Library
  • Coffee shops
  • Free Wi-Fi spots near you
  • Friends/family

If you decide to drop, who you contact?


What are the drop dates for this course?


If you need help with your professor, who do you contact?

  • Reach out to your professor
  • Contact your Dallas College Success Coach
  • Advise your high school counselor that you are attempting to resolve an issue.