District of Innovation
Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD District of Innovation Plan Effective 2023-2024 Through 2028-2029
A District of Innovation (DOI) is a concept passed by the 84 Legislative Session in House Bill 1842. The bill's objective is to provide traditional school districts, like CFBISD, with the tools provided to charter schools.
Using a District of Innovation distinction, a school district can pursue innovations in curriculum, instruction, parent or community involvement, school calendar, and budgeting. An innovation plan also allows school districts to gain exemption from a limited number of Texas Education Code Requirements. Exemptions afford districts greater local control.
The DOI plan is in effect for five years and must be renewed at the end of the 5-year period, or the plan expires. The current plan was approved in 2018 and therefore expires this year.
The DOI plan was approved for renewal by the District Improvement Council on April 24, 2023. The Board of Trustees approved the renewal on June 1, 2023. The plan is effective until May 31, 2028.
The innovations are as follows:
1st Day of Instruction Texas Education Code §25.0811
A school district may not begin instruction for students before the fourth Monday in August. (Board Policy: EB (Legal) School Year)
This exemption affords local determination & flexibility of the 1st day of instruction to optimize and have a positive impact on student achievement, facility, safety and security of staff and students, and the social and emotional health of all students and staff. The District will determine an appropriate start date annually and will continue to consider stakeholder input as required by Board policy ED (Local).
Class Size Requirement TEC §25.112
Remove the mandatory approval structure for the board of trustees. The board of trustees receives the information in a report. Requiring the board of trustees to approve the request for the waiver is redundant.
Allows for streamlining of the process so that the process is more efficient.
Probationary Contracts §21.102 (b)
Teachers with 5 of 8 years of experience will move to two years probationary status from the current one year.
The intent of this exemption is to create an environment that supports meaningful evaluation, fosters professional growth, and attracts and retains highly skilled educators. Providing administrators with an extended probationary period for experienced teachers will yield positive outcomes for both the teachers and the students they serve.
Certification Exemption from Texas Education Code §21.003(a):
A person may not be employed as a teacher…by a school district unless the person holds an appropriate certificate or permit as provided by Subchapter B: & 21.0031 (a) (Board Policy Ref: DBA Employment Requirements and Restrictions: Credentials and Records). Extend local certification issuance to hard-to-fill positions, including, but not limited to, TEA-approved shortage areas.
Traditional certification requirements are not aligned with the realities of the current educational environment and the need to hire industry experts to teach many of the “hard to fill” course offerings such as career and technology, world languages, and other subject areas as determined by the District. Change allows the District the ability to issue local certifications and fill positions that would otherwise be unfilled.