Puppies Provide Teachers with Special Break During Professional Development

Middle school language arts teachers enjoyed a surprise professional development when puppies showed up to play.

It is proven that interacting with animals has a positive effect on mental health. In an effort to reward the hard-working teachers on her team, CFBISD middle school instructional specialist Sandra Coffee brought her litter of 11 puppies to visit teachers during campus professional development.

Puppies Provide Teachers with Much Needed Break During Professional Development

“I was working with an instructional facilitator on one of my campuses trying to brainstorm a way to reward our team of teachers,” Coffee said. “When a teacher said, ‘Can you tuck a couple of your puppies in your pockets as a surprise? That would be fun!’ I decided from there, teachers might love the idea of a Puppy PD (professional development) love session.”

Coffee, who works with a team of about 50 teachers at six campuses, began reaching out to principals. The idea was a hit with principals from the start. 

“Our staff loved the puppy PD,” Polk Principal Kelly O’Sullivan said. “When teachers walked in the room, they were ready for lesson planning and data analysis, but when they saw the puppies, you could see their eyes light up.”

According to Coffee, throughout the first nine weeks of school, teachers across the district made connections with students, provided enriching learning experiences, analyzed assessments, and planned how to ensure every student is meeting their essential standards. 

“I’ve seen my team giving 110% to meet their students’ needs,” Coffee said. “Puppy PD met all the criteria as a meaningful reward for their hard work.”

Teachers from Perry, Polk, Long, Blalack, and Field middle schools, and the Educational Services Division Complex (ESDC), were able to enjoy some relaxing time playing with the cute puppies. 

Puppies Provide Teachers with Much Needed Break During Professional Development

“They immediately started playing and snuggling puppies,” Coffee said. “This made such a positive impact on the team, laughing together, strengthening relationships, and taking time for their social-emotional well-being. I think this mental break was important because teachers are very aware of the work they need to do with students this year and they have been intently focused on trying to meet those needs. This was just one small gesture that was able to give something back to teachers.”

Teachers agreed that the Puppy PD time was much needed.

“We had so much fun with the puppies,” said Nicole Diaz, Long MS language arts teacher. “I could feel the serotonin busting at the seams. It was a good distraction from our normal routine and the stressors this year has brought with us. I kind of just want to bring my dog to work every day now.”