Hour of Code in CFBISD

CFBISD students and teachers are gearing up to participate in Hour of Code from December 6 through February 25. This is the seventh year CFBISD is participating in the worldwide event.

Studies have shown there are many benefits of learning coding/computer science, including:

  • 67% of all new STEM jobs are in computing
  • Computer Science majors can earn 40% higher salary than the college average.
  • Computing jobs are now the #1 source of new wages in the US.
  • Children who study computer science perform better in other subjects, excel at problem-solving, and are 17% more likely to attend college.
  • There are currently 58,981 open computing jobs in the state of Texas, with an average salary of $94,779.

Want your child to tap into all of these opportunities? They can start today by doing one hour of coding activities. The resources on the CFB Hour of Code website (bit.ly/cfbisdhoc) are grouped by skill level from beginner to advanced.

This year, any student that participates in Hour of Code between December 6th and February 25th can be entered into a raffle for a $20 gift card. For more information, please visit bit.ly/raffle21-22 or email cfbcoding@cfbisd.edu.

Hour of Code in CFB