Call To Order – A quorum of four members is necessary to transact business.
Report by Superintendent of Schools
Recognition of Special Guests and Announcements – Throughout the year, the Board recognizes the accomplishments of students and staff.
Board Operations
Speaker Participation –Any visitor may complete a form to speak and address the Board. Beginning in March 2024, the Speaker Participation Form will be available as a fillable online form available through the CFB Website. The form will be available when the meeting agenda is posted and will close at 5pm the day of the Board Meeting.
Consent Agenda – A consent agenda groups a number of routine items together and may be used to expedite action on routine business matters such as minutes of previous meetings, monthly financial reports, acceptance of gifts and first and second reading of policies.
Comments From Individual Board Members
Closed Session – State law permits Trustees to go into closed session to discuss such topics that include dealing with students, personnel, land acquisition, security devices and consultation with the attorney. The Board reconvenes in open, public session to take formal action on any matters.